I used to love it when the temperature outside was over a 100

The hotter the better was my thinking! Now anything over 75 is treading on dangerous grounds for me, and with the heat we've had in the Pacific Northwest this week with the temperatures in the 100's.
The stress and depression I've been under lately has not helped.
Our son Brandon, his girlfriend and their 1 year old son are living with us. Brandon just today after almost a year of unemployment, starts a full time job tonight! All I can say is, its about time, now I hope he can keep it together and find a house for him and his family.
I love having Colton (my 1 year old grandson) here, but there are days when I feel more like his mom than his grandma.
I try may be a little to hard to be understanding and fair, most of the time feel like an old beat up rug that one day will be tossed aside. In addition to supporting our son and his family this last year, we lost our home.
Were currently living in a home that was I kind of loaned to us for a few weeks, (Until Aug. 10, 2009) looking for some place to move with little to no money is not an easy task. Johns looking for full time work, but in this economy he's finding little success.
I know this is some random crazy thoughts, just stuff that is coming out as I try to type with one hand, as my CRPS/RSD in my left arm is really flaring up,
my arm is really hurting, so this is the end of today's post. I will try to post more daily items-much like a journal in hope of sharing more of what my life with this never ending pain is like, and how my family and I deal with this daily.