Well I keep thinking spring is here, or right around the corner, the weather all across the U.S. has been so crazy this year. Here in Yakima, WA last weekend it was 80 and sunny, this weekend they say we may have snow and rain mix by the weekend!
Well, we all know despite the crazy weather, spring will be here soon!
Which reminds me of the days as a kid when mom would get out the much dreaded “Spring Cleaning Checklist” did you grow up like this?
For those that deal with Chronic Pain, 2 do the dreaded “Spring Cleaning” can be overwhelming to most of us. Most of us do good just 2 get out of bed daily. So I thought I would list some things I do that have made it easier 4 me 2 stay on top of my house work. I would love 2 see tips with what you all do 2 make your daily life easier 4 you.

The first thing I start with always is “The List”!
For me I like drawing a line through the completed project!
After I make my list, I decide whats most important, and what can wait till later in the day-week-month-year! What gets done on the list also depends on how I’m feeling that day-moment etc... So of course if I’m having a rough morning-day I rest. There are some things I try 2 do despite my pain. The 1 thing I try 2 do daily is make my bed, some days that’s all I get done, and I’ve learned that’s ok! The other areas I try 2 get 2 daily are the bathrooms and the kitchen-4 the obvious reasons! With just my husband and myself at home now, this is pretty simple and John is great about seeing what should be done and doing it! Thanks sweetie!!
Ok now we got the List, and we’ve Prioritized it, now set a timer if you have 1, also learn 2 listen 2 your body, be-4 you get exhausted stop, and rest, 4 me I work 5-10 minutes at a time, and rest about the same amount of time, or longer if needed. So set limits, that work 4 you.
When cleaning in 1 room, have a basket or a bag that you can put things in that do not belong in that room. As you take this bag with you through out the day, you put these items away. If you have children-teenagers living at home, my dad did this, he had his bag and if he found anything laying around the house that did not go there-it went into the bag. When whoever had laid the item down-realized it was gone, he/she knew 2 check with dad and his bag of stuff. In order 2 get the item back you had 2 do an extra chore around the house! I hated it then, but have 2 say it does teach you to put things were they go!
Another idea I have, you know those yard carts that you can pull like a wagon-or sit on it to plant and weed. I have 1 of these I use outside, it has a nice storage area and a little tray that comes out I can sit on it and use my feet 2 get around, I can lift the lid which is then like a wagon handle and I can push or pull things around. I bet this could be used in the house, 4 any 1 that has problems getting around their home, they could either make sure each room had the right cleaning materials in them, or keep them inside this yard cart.
This is like the one I have, and I love it for outside!
If any 1 has or does try this in the house, let us know how it works!
So back to cleaning, (I know, you were hoping 4 the RSD fog to settle in!) when your doing your daily or spring cleaning, take your time, its not a race!
In our home we have carpet and linoleum. So once a week I/John will sweep all the floors. Once a week I/John will vacuum, and once a week I/John will use the Swifer Wet Jet. I LOVE my SWIFER! These chores are difficult for me 2 do, so I sweep 1 day, vacuum, 1 day, mop 1 day. Unless John or one of the kids do them for me.
Keeping cleaners in the rooms their used in saves time. If you have small children ever in your home, PLEASE be sure 2 keep all cleaners-medications-etc…out of reach or lock & key!
Another tip 2 save you time, is 2 eliminate your cute little nick-nacks on tables shelf’s through out your home. This makes dusting a breeze! I have a fairly large collection of Snoopy items through out every room in our home. So thankfully John and or our kids (Sharon, David, Brandon) help with some dusting, even though the kids no longer live at home.
So I’ve mentioned here a few times about my family helping with my home chores, even though our children are grown and have life’s they stop in 2 help when they can, or as I need it. It was and at times is still difficult 4 me 2 ask 4 help. I’ve always been very active, and took pride in being able 2 do most anything any man could do! But over time I’ve learned there’s nothing wrong with asking 4 help! So ask 4 help when you need it! Its really ok! And think of the blessings-good karma those that help you, can receive 4 the service they provide to you!
If you have children give them some chores 2 do, they can help vacuum, dust, empty garbage’s, make beds, fold laundry and put it away. They may not do it your way, and that may be difficult 4 anyone that has "control issues" This was and still is very difficult area 4 me.
So 2 kind of round this up,
1. Make a list
2. Prioritize your list
3. How are you feeling?
4. Set your limits, 5 min. 7 min. 10 min. stop and rest…repeat till project is done (or you don’t care if it ever gets done!)
5. Ask 4 help, its ok!
6. Recycle-Reuse-Reduce
7. Use Green cleaners when you can
And speaking of setting limits!
All my best,