Well, we had my hearing last week. It went well I think. It was extremely emotional for my daughter and myself.
My lay witness were asked questions about my volunteer work with Cub Scouts, a program that I love, and support. In 2006 our local newspaper did a story on me and RSD. I was shown in my Cub Scout Leader uniform at our packs pinewood derby. So Washington State's workman's comp hired a private investigator, (a spy) he was hired to film me at our districts day camp that year. (2006)
I was the day camp director that year. This was a 3 day event. This spy, only recorded 17 minutes of video divided over the 3 days.
For 3 min. of the video I'm folding t shirts with my sister who was also our medical staff for the day. Then for another 3 min. or so I'm talking 2 others and holding a clip board, taking notes and getting ready 2 welcome the campers. Then I'm seen washing out water jugs and moving 1 of them about 5 feet, I can not remember if it had water in it or not. Then I'm seen with a jr. staff member getting out of a John Deere Gator, and we lifted a ice chest with 50 ponds of ice, off the back of the Gator-and sat it right down on the ground. The last 9 min. I'm seen with my husband sitting in the John Deere Gator, watching the closing ceremonies on the last day. I explained to the Judge what ways going on each day and what the spy did not show. He did not show the 34 foot RV we borrowed so I could go and lay down when I needed, which was about every 2 hours.
He did not show the 2 golf carts that were borrowed giving us a total of 3 vehicle's I could use 2 get any where I needed with out walking any great distance. Nor could he show the medications I was taking all day to help control the pain, nor could he show the 2 spinal cord stimulator's that I have and were working those days 2 also help control my pain.
My husband John, and our daughter Sharon, both testified on a personal level-how the pain not only affects them but our grandchildren as well.
There are still a few more doctors that are scheduled 2 testify on my behalf. I think the last 1 is scheduled for April 30th 2008. I'm not really sure how long the Judge has to go over all of the evidence and make his decision. I'm so hoping and praying that he once again HEARS the truth and finds in my favor.
I'm so happy you pointed out that these spies only show an edited version that they believe will be incriminating instead of having to show the whole tape which undoubtedly would show the pain, medications & many rest stops we make to get through the day. I have learned to answer their ridiculous questions about what I can or can't do with a standard "some days I can & some days I can't depending on how I feel & if my pain medication is working. Some days I have to do things that cause me great pain because I live alone & have no one else to take care of me or my home, so I break things up as much as I can or just have to wait for my meds to kick in & then go do what I have to do until I can't take it anymore. I have to employ sheer will power in order to survive & pay the consequences later, since I do not have the funds to employ help to take out my garbage, clean my home & do the simple things that it takes to get through the day & keep a sanitary living environment & keep food in my home." It shuts them up every time & leaves room for explanation when they play their edited tapes. Never say I don't ever do this or that...instead say sometimes I do when I have to & sometimes I don't because I just can't & have to wait until I can force myself & no matter what it is that has to be done, there is a long mental preparation that takes place before hand to work up the strength & will power to push myself to get it done. I also state for the record that it is clear they do not include the many days that I do not leave my home at all or get out of my pajamas in their recorded surveliance or take in to account that the days they record me I have timed my start activity when my pain meds kick in & am done before they wear off.
I believe that if the spies evidence is going to be allowed in to court it should be unedited to be fair so that it tells the whole story, not a biased one. This needs to be the law. As it stands, it is not truthful & does not show the extenuating circumstances. I hope one day that we can get these biased laws & unethical practices over-ruled so that the truth will prevail & we will stop being misrepresented & treated like criminals.
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